2012年12月20日 星期四

[公告] 國立臺灣大學生化科技學系誠徵專任教師


申請者請將下列資料:1.個人履歷表;2.學經歷證件影本;3.教學及研究計畫書;4.歷年著作目錄及2006年8月以後著作之電子檔,並指定2008年8月以後代表著作1-3篇;5.三封推薦函,於2013年 2 月 20 日前(郵戳為憑)寄至:10617 台北市羅斯福路四段1號 國立臺灣大學生化科技學系新聘教師甄選委員會收。請參考系網址: http://www.bst.ntu.edu.tw 。聯絡人:系主任林璧鳳教授,電話:02-33662269,傳真:02-33662271,電郵:bifong@ntu.edu.tw。系辦聯絡人:王慈圓小姐,電話:02-33662279,電郵:tzuyuan@ntu.edu.tw 。


The Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University is inviting applications for one faculty position for assistant, associate or full professor beginning August 1st, 2013.
The potential candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in related fields and preference will be given to those with postdoctoral and teaching experiences. The research fields are product development and research for Biotech. Applicants should send (1) curriculum vitae; (2) photocopies of Ph.D. diploma and certification of working experience; (3) teaching and research proposals; (4) publication list, relevant publications in pdf after August 2006 and appointing 1-3 representative papers after August 2008; and (5) three letters of reference to the Faculty Searching Committee, Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10617, before February 20th   , 2013. For further information, please see Website: http://www.bst.ntu.edu.tw, or contact Dr. Bi-Fong Lin, Professor and Director (bifong@ntu.edu.tw, Tel: +886-2-33662269), or Department Office: Tel: +886-2-33662279, Fax: +886-2-33662271, Miss Tzu-Yuan Wang (tzuyuan@ntu.edu.tw).

